by Doreen Teasdale | Jan 16, 2020 | Member News
KAS NEWSLETTER: JANUARY 2020 A Word from President Helen Welcome to our new year! What a start to the year this has been! I’m sure like me, you have been glued to the TV and Fire apps, unable to believe the extent and ferocity of these horrendous fires, that will...
by Doreen Teasdale | Jan 16, 2020 | Exhibition News, Member News, Workshops & Demos News
DEMONSTRATIONS: Our program for 2020 will begin on the 3rd MARCH when EVA ILLYES will return to share with us her wonderful knowledge and skill. More information next newsletter. PLEASE NOTE we won’t be having a demonstration in February . OLD FIRE...
by Doreen Teasdale | Jan 16, 2020 | Member News
Congratulations to Kathy Karas who has had her painting accepted to be part of the Australian watercolourists exhibiting in the prestigious URBINO IN ACQUERELLO FESTIVAL 2020 event in Italy. She was invited to enter the Urbino In Acquerello Festival by the Australian...
by Doreen Teasdale | Dec 14, 2019 | Classes & Groups News, Homepage, Member News
A NOTE FROM THE PRESIDENT A HAPPY CHRISTMAS FUNCTION: I have just returned home from the KAS Christmas Luncheon, and what a great party it was! The Leagues Club did us proud! They set us up with a beautifully decorated table in the Sportsmans Bar, which...
by Doreen Teasdale | May 28, 2019 | Member News
I have just come home from a lengthy meeting where your committee has tackled many of the organisational tasks that must be completed prior to our exhibition in August. What a wonderful group of people to work with! Our New Activity – The Wall at the...
by Doreen Teasdale | May 28, 2019 | Exhibition News, Member News, Workshops & Demos News
DEMONSTRATION: WEDNESDAY, 5th JUNE ANN CLARKE – Watercolour Please note the change of day this month to a Wednesday. Ann has just returned from an exciting journey to Africa but she can usually be found holding workshops at the Wollongong Art Gallery....