As another year comes to a close, we can reflect on the outcome of our exhibitions, demonstrations, classes and workshops, all of which have been well attended and successful. The committee thanks all members who contributed their time and energy to all these endeavours.

Website and newsletter changes

As our social and technical environment changes, so must we maintain the profile of the Art Society. The committee has moved to outsource our website and electronically distribute the newsletter next year as the majority of members have an email address. It will also continue to be on the website. For the few who have no email, they will be accommodated. This will reduce the time and cost of producing the newsletter. Our thanks go to Andrea who has managed the website voluntarily for the last few years.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting in February is important and I ask as many members as possible to come. I understand people back off from the word commitment and from being on a committee, but I am asking for members to support us. Like you, we are grandparents, have commitments and get ailments. Stuff happens and we are time-challenged, but ART is the catalyst that keeps the society alive. So ANY contribution, without strings attached, to assisting your committee will be greatly appreciated. The Christmas party will be a casual affair. Information next page.

To our 234 members, the committee wishes you a safe festive season and many beautiful painting days.

– Judy White