DEMONSTRATION: Tuesday, 7th March

WORKSHOP: 29th/30th April 








Ros says….

‘ The goal of my classes and workshops is to show students how to push THE THREE PRIMARY COLOURS to their limits.   It’s so easy.   I demonstrate how a limited palette leads to harmonious paintings and easy colour mixing.

I show the importance of TONE and how to see it. To understand how portraying at least three tones in a painting will give a good feeling of sunshine.

We will see how only THREE directional lines can get even the most complicated drawing onto the canvas.

The LIGHTING on a subject means the difference between an ordinary painting and an extraordinary one. 

See the simple rules of COMPOSITION and how to make use of them.

 Learn the way to work through paintings using a simple, easy to understand method that works every time….and with every subject.

 UNDERSTANDING WHAT WE SEE in the subject is the tricky part.  Getting it onto the canvas is easy….!!

 And last but not least……..

                      How to get that sparkle of sunlight into a painting.’



DEMONSTRATION – at the Coach House 1pm…$10 members  $15 visitors

WORKSHOP – at Jamberoo Youth Hall…$150 members  $170 visitors

Contact HELEN PAIN  0432 232 054    LIMITED NUMBERS


Looking ahead….

CHAN DISSANAYAKE will be holding a 2 day  WATERCOLOUR WORKSHOP for KAS at the Coach House 7th & 8th July. More information later.