PLEASE NOTE : When our site went down last week while I was doing this newsletter, it resulted in the loss of all images from the gallery. So, unfortunately, all have disappeared from this newsletter. In the interest of getting the information out to you promptly I’ll still send it to everyone. The site will be down again next week as the problem is being rectified and updates done. ……… Doreen
May is off to a great start with Lesley’s demonstration on the 1st and Robyn Collier’s 2 day workshop 26th/27th followed by our Primary School Young Archies Exhibition.
DEMONSTRATION: Tuesday 1st May
Lesley O’Shea – Portraits in Oil
I am fascinated by faces. The challenge to portray an individual’s personality and likeness in paint is the passion that drives my painting. I love to explore different mediums as a way to bring interesting textural surfaces into the painting that tells a story about the subject.
Painting a Portrait in Oils from a Reference Photo
Photography is a tool that can be used to capture a moment, an expression and a mood, when painting a portrait. I use photos as well as drawings, done from life, when planning the composition for a portrait painting.
My first step is to study the face by doing several broad tonal drawings to focus my attention on the large tonal shapes and proportions of the subject. I will start the demonstration by completing one of these studies.
The painting demonstration will show my tonal approach to blocking in the darks followed by brush strokes to create an impressionistic work “al a prima”. I will work from a reference photo which I am using in a current series of portrait studies.
Please be seated by 12.45pm as demonstration will begin at 1.00pm.
June Demonstration: Please note the change for this demonstration. Joe Bezzina will now be on this date.
Dates: MAY 26/27 9am – 4pm
Cost: Members $180, Non members $200
Outline of the course:
DAY 1 – Painting a sand dune
DAY 2: Painting a seascape with transparent waves
Contact Helen Pain 0432 232 054
YOUNG ARCHIES – KAS Primary School Exhibition
Catherine O’Leary, our Children’s Classes teacher, has once again organised this exhibition at the Kiama Leagues Club for all the PRIMARY school children in our area. Entries will be hung and judged on Tuesday 29th May with the exhibition open Wednesday 30th May and Thursday 31st. Prizes will be awarded by the Lord Mayor on Thursday evening.
Picture…A previous winner.
Make sure you drop in and see the wonderful work done by our local children in the schools. Entry free. First floor Kiama Leagues Club.
All classes will continue this term.
Tony Hull and his Life Drawing Group will be at the Kiama Scout Hall down at the harbour Wednesdays, 1.30pm to 4.30pm.
Errol McLean’s Watercolour Group meet at the Coach House the second Tuesday of each month 9.30am to 1.00pm.
Kathy Karas’s Watercolour Class will be at the Coach House Monday mornings 9.30am to 12.30pm and her Acrylic Class Thursday morning from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
Catherine O’Leary’s Children’s Art Classes are held at the Coach House each Monday and Wednesday afternoons beginning at 3.30pm.
Our sincere thanks to these wonderful and dedicated people who give so freely of their time.
If you came to the March and April demonstrations you would have seen the paintings up on our new hanging system. These lovely works were all by Kathy Karas, a mixture of watercolour and acrylic. Thank you so much Kathy. They were much admired.
The next artist to exhibit work there will be Helen Pain so make sure you get to see them.
We are in the process of updating our website (don’t know how we update me though to fathom the new bits out!!!) and on our HOME PAGE our featured artist will have 6 of their works as the ‘index’ paintings and they will also be the artist at the Coach House.
PLEASE NOTE: Art in the Park will not be on MOTHERS DAY 13th May.
Many thanks to all those who have renewed their membership. We really need to have membership dealt with in the next month before we send out the Entry Forms and the entries start arriving for the Annual Exhibition. Your co-operation would be greatly appreciated. Details on website and previous newsletters.