Another year has moved along with members of Kiama Art Society participating and enjoying the varied activities offered by KAS; Demonstrations, Workshops, Classes and Exhibitions. Congratulations to all our artists who received awards. This is a wonderful reflection of the talent within our society. Thank you to all who have contributed time in many ways; helping at the exhibitions, demonstrations and workshops. With only seven committee members, involvement of any kind is appreciated. A suggestion to hold an evening demonstration is in the pipeline and feedback via an email from those interested would be welcome.
I would like to acknowledge the work done by our treasurer Ray Teasdale, Doreen Teasdale with our newsletter/website, Heather Netherclift with the Fire Station exhibitions and Art in the Park, Helen Pain with organisation of the workshops, Robyn McMillan our Secretary who has worn many hats over the last 12 months and Karen Wright for becoming our camera operator and helping out wherever she is needed. Please support your committee by attending the AGM in February.
Sadly ,Ruth Gill, a respected and a talented, gentle lady and long time member passed away last month.
Do not forget to contact Heather if you wish to exhibit at the Fire Station Exhibition starting Thurs. 30th November.
We look forward to catching up at our last event for the year, the Christmas Gathering at the Leagues club on TUESDAY the 12th December 12.00pm.
Wishing all a safe and festive season.
Judy White (President)
Bookings must be made by 1st December…Do it TODAY!
Please place the date in your diary and come and join us for a 2-course luncheon at the Kiama Leagues Club, 12.00pm.
COST: $30
You may pay online – BSB: 032689; Account number: 540168
Please use the codeword – XMAS and put your NAME.
or MAIL payment to:
The Treasurer Kiama Art Society PO Box 707 Kiama 2533
We would like to give a resounding ‘Thank You’ to our team of teachers that run the various classes for KAS.
Their enthusiasm, encouragement and professionalism are greatly appreciated.
Tony Hull, Kathy Karas, Errol McLean and Catherine O’Leary.
KATHY is taking bookings already for 2018.
Monday Watercolour – 5th February 6 week term- The Coach House Kiama
Mornings 9.30 – 12.30 intermediate booked out ( those returning please make sure you have let me know to keep your place) I have a standby list for those who can’t commit to the term or who are waiting for a place.
Afternoons 1pm -4pm (note change of time) There are some places available
Thursday Acrylics – 8th February 6 week term 9.30 – 12.30 The Coach House Kiama .
There are some places available
COST: $200 for 6 week term. Full payment is due by the 5th January to hold your place in the class.
Contact Kathy 0419 633 562
We extend a warm welcome to 2 new members :
Christine Hill – Thirroul Jannette Rigby-Sammut – Miranda