Report by Helen Pain


What a great two days of activity and inspiration 16 of our members enjoyed at Judith White’s recent workshop.

Judith is a very generous and inspiring teacher.  She demonstrated and explained, encouraging everyone in our large group to experiment with techniques and colour palettes which were new, inspiring and exciting.

Over the two days, using many cumulative processes, we each developed a unique and individual mixed media landscape from a photo of our own choice.  Some managed two! We explored positive and negative space, we used different papers to create different textures, we experimented with the way the pigment is absorbed by the paper to give different effects of transparency and opacity.  We checked dark against light, exit points and focal point, balance and harmony, line and tone, torn and cut edges. There was so mOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAuch to learn, and so much to absorb and enjoy.

While our landscapes were drying, Judith demonstrated and guided us as we explored the largely unpredictable outcomes  to be enjoyed using monoprint techniques.  Great fun.

Our show and tell at the end of day two said it all!

Thank you Judith White for a truly inspirational  experience.


Report by Lea Tucker

Sixteen KAS members were challenged to step outside their usual art practice and comfort zone when, on the weekend of the 4th & 5th of July they participated in a Mixed Media Workshop with renowned Willoughby based artist Judith White. Using a personal photo for creative inspiration and compositional guidance, the group explored techniques such as toxic colour washed for backgrounds, the layering of specialty papers to give form, depth and ascetic values, and further washes to determine cool and warm tones.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Many of the group was introduced to the experimental properties of the Wolff carbon pencil, charcoal/baby oil blends and the extended fun nature of monoprinting.

The final day’s critique was a diverse impromptu exhibition enjoyed by all. Every artist’s completed works displayed a visual portrayal, a far cry from their original reference photo, detailing the variance of form and palette in which nature’s beauty can be interpreted.

The workshop’s participants sincerely thanked and acknowledged Judith’s generosity in sharing her technical expertise within a very relaxed atmosphere.



Photos by Heather Netherclift